Historic Biltmore Village7 Boston Way Asheville, NC
Village Art & Craft Fair
The Village Art & Craft Fair is on hiatus for 2024.
Independently sponsored and produced by New Morning Gallery for over 50 years, the Village Art & Craft Fair is an Asheville tradition, but with the upcoming hotel project scheduled in Biltmore Village, it is time to take space to reflect on the future of our show.
The decision to suspend the Fair was not an easy choice to make. We want to thank our artists, the Cathedral of All Souls, our neighbors in Biltmore Village, the City of Asheville, the staff of New Morning Gallery and Bellagio Art to Wear, and our patrons for all their support.
We will keep you posted on our plans for 2025 and beyond.

Each year a local artist designs the VACF poster and t-shirts. Check out some of the posters from years past below.
Posters are available to purchase on our online store.